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Writings from Friends > "Conscious Acceptance" by Michael

13 Oct 2008

Dear Kay,


Thank you so much for all the clarity you are bringing, about the goings-on in the human mind nightmare!



You emailed the following to me once, when I was feeling horror about corruption among politicians and others who seem to have worldly power.


You said:


I find that when my world appears threatened by "whatever" I can clearly state what the "seeming something seems to be" and if I seem disturbed over it in any way, I start in with IS, with NOW wherein only IS is----which precludes "time" hence prophecy, hence a churning, changing dream dreaming up scenarios. And shortly I seem FREE---for the simple reason that Freedom is the forever I that I am.   


This is so clear - thank you.  Have expanded on it as follows:


It's important to see clearly what appears to be happening 'out there'.


But while being aware of it, even more important to rest, to abide, in the peace and love of only Self that IS FREE NOW, the I...I Stillness that was never touched by any appearance 'out there'.


We have to allow whatever feelings of anger, fear, or revulsion that this appearance throws up, to be there, to accept these feelings in love, but to know they have no power.


Thus to chair-leg, forgive, to loose all: corrupt politicians, party bosses, bankers and the like - to 'bless our enemies' - they are not being true to themselves for 'they know not what they do'.


Accepting the feelings does not mean agreeing with what these bankers and politicians are doing. On the contrary, one must (like Arjuna!) take whatever practical action that the 'come, go, sit, stay' from the Stillness directs.


But always, the greatest service to the world is to dwell in the Stillness, aware and at peace.


All love,

