Skype Conversation on August 8th, 2010--PART 1 | Length: 35min | It is not out there; attributed existence (the "original sin"); Only You can upset You; It is NOT in the event; thoughts are not power; ideas; settle it in YourSelf; Inquiry; the "me"sense dissolves; the horizon is meaningless
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Skype Conversation on August 8th, 2010--PART 2 | Length: 37min | affirming a denial; Already that!; It's a play; ...stayed on ME; maturity and Inquiry; the glimpse of a Strong Man; Self-Abidance; Supply; all thought of limitation is JUST thought
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Skype Conversation on August 22nd, 2010 | Length: 29min | attend to 1st Person; inquiry; the I does not rise or set; deep sleep,no breaks in Being; the empty promise of happiness; blame is just a thought; seem to be disappearing; don't describe,only feel; thought is powerless
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Skype Conversation on September 5th, 2010 | Length: 9min 30sec | Leave folks alone; the belief that "people need to be governed"; is there just ONE ALONE AWARENESS?; reaction and the canvas I paint
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Skype Conversation on October 10th, 2010 | Length 12 min
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Skype Conversation on January 2nd, 2011 | Length: 37min
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Skype Conversation on August 21st 2011 | Length: 6Min 30 Sec
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Skype Conversation on January 8th 2012 | 15min
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Skype Conversation on June 24th, 2012 | Length: 28min There is a LOT in that talk. Hardly one word should be "taken for granted" in that you "think" you know what is being said. Find out what is being said. Kay
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Skype Conversation on December 9th 2012 | 23Min
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Skype Conversation on December 16th 2012 | 21Min
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Skype Conversation on February 24th 2013 | 28MIN
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Skype Conversation on October 4th 2015 | Length: 16min
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We make no claims as to the use of or effects of using this application. If you would like to test this application, we suggest trying one of the meditations first.