This new answer has much mind-blowing potential (as in VERY Potent).
Read, re-read and Ponder away!!!
"The Fire of LOVE" Meditation has been added to the site.
There's a Message from Kay just added to The Bellows
Read some new enteries in Writings From Firends
There's three NEW recordings (including Feburary 24th 2013) of very recent Skype conversations here:
Check out The High Alerts section for monthly additions that are GREAT for pondering. Each have a unique image with them:
There's a new Skype recording from January 8th in the Special Recordings section:
*** Check out the NEW The Rest of MySelf Meditations: a softcover book containing a collection of some of our favorite meditations by Kay in stock now:
*** The Government meditation has been added under the Meditations page and appears along with many other audio meditations that you can listen to now via the web.
*** There are a few NEW posts under Questions and Answers including this most recent one concerning the "believer in Truth".
*** A note from Kay: Getting rid of something always brings happiness has just been added to the Bellows section...
*** "Individual SELF Government"--a message from Kay, is posted in the Bellows section.
***There's a new writing from Kay called "Home" in The Bellows.
*** Check out the NEW "The Rest of MySelf" Group on Facebook!
Yes, you have to join Facebook to become a member of the group.
Interact with friends and find treasures there you can find nowhere else.
*** A new audio meditation has been added. Click the link below and then choose "The Everpresence of Plenty" to listen
***This writing from Trudy is SO VERY CLEAR. Worth reading again and again... not just once and then asking what to do when THIS is the "what" to do.